
Designer | Researcher | Feb - Apr 2021


Beginning in March 2020, many schools across the United States began to utilize virtual learning, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Because of this, many students began to struggle in school, due to difficulty paying attention, lack of motivation, and other issues that come with the remote environment. It was difficult for students to get one-on-one help with their teachers to help them understand it better. It was mainly difficult for elementary students, who were not only confused by the sudden change, but also their reliability on their parents to help them teach them. These students are our future, so it is our responsibility to teach them everything they need to learn, even in the most unconventional setting.

Relevant Research

Various research has shown that elementary students tend to struggle with mathematics the most in school. Some methods to help students understand math concepts include providing images and visuals in examples, creating games to help them solve problems, and using real-world examples.


The solution to this problem was to design an app to assist elementary students with mathematics concepts. One goal was to include images and visuals in this app to help create an enjoyable experience for the student.


After the research was conducted, I began creating a flowchart and wireframes to begin planning out the design and flow of the app. This was done on Figma.


The solution to this problem was to create an app to assist elementary students with mathematics concepts.

This app would be organized by subject for students to choose from. Each subject would include a description and an example problem for students to practice.

The profile function was added for the user to keep track of their progress and an area to write notes and tasks.

The search function was added to help look for more problems to practice, subjects to learn, and to help improve the overall experience.

The calculator was implemented to help students solve the problems given.

Cowculator App was submitted to Emerge Simon Fraser University's UI/UX course, with recognition for exemplary work.

Team consisted of myself as a designer and researcher for this project. Prototyped was done on Figma.

Cowculator was created to help elementary students in math. With virtual learning, it gets difficult to work on math problems without the aid of a teacher nearby. This app would help them figure out how to work on math problems and help students feel more confident with mathematics concepts.

Figma file for app: