
Designer | Developer | January 2021

LettrBox is a website created to write meaningful letters to your friends, to stay connected.


One of the biggest things that COVID took away from us was human interaction, which has led to many people isolating themselves from their friends. Our team thought that shooting texts and emails to your friends is meaningless, because their text or message can get lost in someone's inbox. Phone calls can also be insignificant and the conversations could also be meaningless. We wanted to help people maintain a healthy and meaningful relationship with their friends.

Relevant Research

Research has shown and discussed how healthy relationships and social interaction can improve our mental health leading to a better lifestyle.


Our solution to this problem was to develop a website that would write and send letters to those you want to stay connected with.


After doing research, we began to draw a flowchart and a wireframe for the site. This was done on Figma.


LettrBox is a website created to write meaningful letters to your friends. During these times were social communication has been diminished, LettrBox helps you stay connected to those who you wish to communicate with more often.

Users are able to create an account and send a letter to a friend. Users are also able to receive letters and view them in their profile.

LettrBox was submitted to Hoya Hacks 2021.

Collaborated in a group of four individuals. Contributed as a designer for the site and prototyped on Figma and as a developer by working on the frontend using HTML and CSS.

Github: https://github.com/kylejava/HoyaHacks2021

Devpost: https://devpost.com/software/lettrbox-3xc0o8